
Woodland Wanderers: Fall 2022 Session #1
Adventure Base Camp, Cranston RI
6 weeks on Wednesdays, Arrive 9:30 am Classes run 10 am - 2 pm
Sept 21st - Oct 26
$40 per child

*Space is limited!*

Ages: 4-8.

Description:  An early elementary co-op for ages 4-8 with a focus on gentle instruction with a variety of fun classes and free play. Parents are required to stay on-site, and most will have co-teaching or directing duties. We will likely designate a parent to do a quick walk of the grounds before we leave to check for any trash or belongings left behind. Use common sense and courtesy in regards to staying home when ill and utilizing Covid tests at home when necessary.

Supplies: Children will each need a supply kit to include - pen, pencil, coloring materials (crayons, markers, colored pencils or a mix), a glue stick, a bottle of school glue, scissors, and a travel pack of tissues.

This parent-led cooperative will offer friendship and fun!   The day will be broken up into 3-time slots:  You will choose your classes in the next registration step.

Class 1: Choose one:
Spanish or Math Games or What on Earth? (see descriptions in photos below)
Class 2: Choose one:
Budding Engineers or Animal Kingdom or Story Alchemy (see descriptions in photos below)
Class 3 & 4:Options will be art, gym and Lego/game club. Students will be placed into two classes based on interest and availability. There is no guarantee which classes you’ll be placed in.

This is an outdoor co-op, please dress to be outside!

Safety Policies:
- All adult participants must have a BCI on file with ENRICHri
-This is a mask-optional co-op.  The leadership is COVID-cautious and will discuss safety measures with participants.

Registration:  Opens Wednesday, Aug 24th at 8 pm - this will fill VERY Quickly, be prepared.